Saturday, October 11, 2008

Background Screening: Understanding Pre-Employment Background Screening

Background screening is the process by which an investigator or a background screening firm looks up all available official and commercial records about an individual. Background screening is often initiated when an individual applies for a job that is high security or highly specialised job such as with a bank, intelligence agency etc. In earlier days, the police carried out these background screenings. But now, more and more private investigators are employed to find out the backgrounds of people.

During background screening, the past employment record, credit history, and criminal history are checked for. Besides this, these checks allow the organisation to make a more informed and less-subjective evaluation about the individual and his character. Some other areas where background checks are used include identity theft , and violation of privacy.

Pre- Employment Background Screening

Most organisations do a pre-employment screening. This is done in order to verify the accuracy of the information provided by the applicant as well as to find out if the candidate has any criminal record etc. Companies hire services of investigating agencies or background screening agencies for a fee. Many commercial websites offer specific searches for employers based on their requirements. While their services include background screenings, supplying the company with adverse action letters and ensuring compliance throughout the process it’s important to make the right decision in choosing the best pre-employment agency.

Some other employers may choose to simply search the most commonly available records such as education verification, driving records, and criminal records. Off late, background checks for sex offender registry, credential verification, credit history, reference checks, and ‘Patriot Act’ are fast becoming popular with an increase in both awareness and lawlessness.

It is important that the employer consider the position for candidature while determining the type of search to opt for. Also, the employer should always use the same background screening options for all applicants being considered for the said position.

Bill Warner Private Investigator Sarasota & Bradenton to Panama City Florida

SearchSecurity: Security Wire Daily News